Men who had a glow up, how did people treat you differently before and after?

  1. I think I started to treat other people differently. Once I became more confident in myself, I looked at other people with admiration rather than jealousy, or an “I wish I had what they had” type of attitude. My closest friends and family gave me compliments, but they didn’t really treat me any differently, because they liked me for who I was before and now.

  2. No one believed I had superpowers. The coach put me in the side kick program. And his superpower was literally just yelling! But when a supervillain came to a reunion, guess who was left to save the day. No one else could guide those nerds through the air ducts! Now I get all the super bitches!

  3. Did you mean a “blow up” like being overcome with anger or something?

    I don’t know what a glow up is…

  4. Little better but it wasn’t like people were clamoring over themselves to help me.

    It felt more like respect.

  5. It was crazy! When I said “glow up”, they treated me like a 13 y/o girl that had been reading cosmo…. because that is who uses the term glow up……

  6. Got way more attention from ladies, young and old.

    I felt invisible for many years as a young boy.

    After growing up, losing weight and all, I had some women start hitting on me and showing interest. Even my boss did so as qell

  7. A professor asked once if I had lost weight, which was cool.

    No other changes though.

  8. I’ve gotten a lot more attention from women, especially women far younger than I am.

    I have to mention my wife in conversation a lot more.

    Guys don’t seem to treat me much different, I’ve always been a big guy, I’m just a big muscular guy instead of fat now. I’m still a bit chubby but I’m 70lbs down from my starting weight and probably lost more than that in fat.

  9. More stares, more touches, compliments, matches on Tinder, etc stuff like that. That said, I think part of the magic of “glow ups” is the person gains more confidence in themselves which in turn radiates outwards and draws more people in.

    Old me was the shyest, most timid, socially awkward person you could imagine. I sold cars for a few months and the amount of “I feel like I can trust you”s I immediately got was kind of awesome. The other day I had a job interview and within 20 seconds the gentleman was like “I dunno why, but I already love you. I’m already expecting great things with you!”

    Also, all my guy friends call me the Incredible Hulk which is cool lol

  10. I wouldn’t call it just a glow up, I took a job that forced me to be more confident. That got into my normal life and my clothing is now 90% suits or my comfortable homeless looking clothes. What changed was people who use to just run over me in conversation can’t do it anymore and I’m more comfortable just speaking to people.

  11. Before all the girls wanted to b best friends, now they all want me to Fucc 😂 tbh I’m sure it’s because I made an onlyfans too n idk who’s spread my content around

  12. Honestly barely a difference. You can do so much to fix yourself and still not be enough for some people.

  13. Before: girls ignored me because I was fat.

    Now: girls ignore me because I’m ugly.

  14. No one knew about her until one night I popped her. I threw her out in the trash and some dogs pulled it out so all my friends and neighbors seen her in the morning and I was super embarrassed. Oh you said glow up I thought it said blow up

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