What would you do you do or say if someone made a joke about you not having a partner yet?

  1. If it was a friend, I doubt I would care. If it was meant in a nice way I wouldn’t mind, but it someone meant it in a clearly rude way I would be snarky as hell

  2. It has happened to me more than once, and I just don’t care anymore, it’s like water off a duck’s back. I can’t be bothered with immature or judgemental people. I say a dry “heh” while dropping this 🙂 kind of smile so that they feel awkward, and then we both move on and pretend like they never said anything.

  3. “I’m not willing to “settle”

    …just to shut you up
    … like you did
    … like [their spouse] did

    Smile sweetly to show its just a joke.

  4. Seeing how ugly, bitter, and miserable you have become after settling down, I have decided to stay single to avoid the same fate as you.

  5. It’s super contextual. Among my single friends, it’s probably just a casual joke, and we’re all making them.

    If someone seriously made a rude joke about it, I’d fake laugh it off, Irish exit, and never speak to them again.

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