Hey everyone! I’m curious about the best way to make friends. I don’t mean meeting people, I mean how to turn people one meets into genuine friends versus acquaintances.
I make acquaintances easily. I’m a friendly person and have a lot of people I casually talk to. But I don’t consider them genuine friends. We don’t have a connection where we share meaningful conversations and support each other. We mostly just have superficial conversations that are fun, but don’t lead to lasting friendships (at least in my experience).
I’m curious how to turn an acquaintance that I have superficial conversations with into a genuine friendship with a connection where we share meaningful conversations and support each other.
Hopefully this makes sense. Any advice?

  1. From my experience you need to do things to deepen your relationship together. For me, it was complimenting to massage their egos, getting food together, spending a long time doing something together, having a very deep conversation and so on. Especially that last one. People really like it when you listen to them and and show interest in them. I think most ppl don’t get that a lot which is why they like it.

  2. Yeah find something you both have in common. Or random like “I wanted to checkout this new place for bowling. Want to come along” So it’s like you’re inviting them and it’s not as awkward. Seems more welcoming.

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