Me and my girlfriend are both 18 and dont have sex as often as I would like to and I don’t know how to bring this up to her

  1. Bro always be direct and upfront and communicate. You can also initiate with her, start by kissing her , kiss her nexk suck her ear lobes breasts belly inner thighs and see where it takes you. Or just when hanging out privately randomly pull her pants down and eat her from the back. Be spontaneous be manly take control and talk dirty to her she will go crazy!

  2. Is she getting enjoyment from sex? Do you make sure she is getting an orgasm regularly … or are you at least spending a lot of time on oral / fingering to give her pleasure rather than just PIV? People will tend to want things more often if they get enjoyment from that activity.

  3. Use words. Like “I really enjoy our sex, but I would like to have it more often” – Probably 90% of sexual frustration stems from a lack of communication.

  4. Just tell her; communication is key. Don’t pressure her or keep bringing it up, but let her know politely once that you’d like to have sex more often, that you’re really enjoying it with her. Then also ask to have sex or initiate more often. It’s never going to happen if you don’t shoot your shot. Just be respectful if she says no, and move on to spending other good quality time with her.

    I will say, at 18, if you’re not living in your own spaces, it can be hard to find the time/space to have sex at all. You might have to be patient and wait for the right times.

  5. Those words you just used, say them to her and then listen to her response and discuss accordingly.

  6. It may helps if you spend more time in the bed, before and/or after sex, to just chill and love each other (and then to fuck again lol)

  7. Ask yourself, why do you want more sex? If you just ask for more, she may take it personally. I think it’s important to communicate not only your desire for more but also why. You absolutely should discuss this with her, including your desire for more sex. In the discussion, you’ll hopefully learn more about yourselves and each other, and how to get the sexual frequency to a place that satisfies you both.

    Mismatched libido is a very common problem, but good communication, cooperation, and a desire from both sides to find a solution are key to finding the solution.

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