What are you doing for St. Paddy’s?

  1. Working. Got some silly Guiness hats sent to us that were supposed to wear and give out.

  2. I have the day off of work, but I’m opening a play that night, so not much. I’m getting drunk tonight to make up for it.

  3. Well it’s Friday and I’m an adult, so I’ll be working then coming home too tired to do anything so sleeping

  4. Working, then meeting up with my girlfriend and FWB and other friends at a big block party going on downtown.

  5. Parade Day in my city was last weekend for some reason so i already celebrated it by pre-gaming the parade (which is at 10:30AM), and bar hopping during the parade and being absolutely shitfaced by noon and blacking out in the grass median of the road while it was still light out. got woken up by a surprisingly friendly cop, lost my phone, got separated from the friends i came with, and ended up sleeping in the attic of a bar that’s owned by a guy im friends with.

    tomorrow will be a lot more chill lol, punk show at a dive bar i probably won’t drink (much)

  6. I’m irish and I still have no plans. Geesh I need to stop watching so much anime.

  7. Hoping that this question won’t be spammed into oblivion today and tomorrow.

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