There’s a girl I noticed on instagram, she goes to the same college as me, I messaged her and we actually got on really well and we talked non stop all night, which I have not had with someone for ages. I haven’t had a long convo with her in 2 days but she has expressed slight interest in me as well, complimenting me and other stuff etc.
I want to ask her if she wants to go get a drink tomorrow but I do not want to appear creepy and I think I’m scared of the rejection. Would it be creepy? Or should I talk to her a bit more first?

Update: I know this wasn’t out long but I just got a simple “I have no money sorry”. Usually I’d say oh no i can pay but, I think I understand its a no.

  1. Coffee is the least creepy because it happens during the day in public. So its a good choice!

  2. If you’ve had a good convo and you’re kinda feeling it ask her out. Get out of the so-called talking stage as soon as practical. If you’ve talked all night already once why not get her out on a date and talk more then. Nothing more to be gained by prolonging the talking stage.

    Asking out for coffee or casual lunch/dinner is always a safe bet. Be direct and have a plan in mind.

    Good luck!

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