How well/awful did it turn out when your friend (who is a woman/girl told you she had feelings for you but you had a girlfriend

  1. Well, I didn’t have a Girlfriend but I still turned her down and well—I could tell she was trying not to cry, fortunately we were on the phone but i knew right then it was over.

    I felt bad but at the same time it was the right thing for both of us, she was a nice girl but she had some severe developmental issues which really did not make her relationship material.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m no kind of prize but as my dad always taught me, never drive on bad road and she was bad road (not the worst) and it was ultimately for the best.

  2. Dont have platonic girls that are friends they always want more. Never have intimate talks to other women when im in a relationship. its disrespectful.

  3. Do ya one better. Friend and I were both single, she asked me if I would ever fuck her, I said yes, she said yes, then backed down and got a rich bf….

  4. I could tell some girls had crushes on me (or were just jealous of the girl and wanted to “steal yo man”)

    But I’ve never had a girl confess feelings so directly while in a relationship. Pretty sure most girls are (correctly) advised not to do that. But then they (and everyone else) encourage men to do it all the time 🤡

  5. Neither. Just awkward and confused. I was having lunch with a colleague/friend as I was about to leave to move to a new city and get engaged. After we finished eating, she pulled the Hallmark movie shit of “I always had a thing for you; why did you never ask me out?; don’t go.” I was utterly clueless she had any of those feelings and springing that on someone after they have already made plans is kind of bullshit-IMHO. She got a little peeved when I responded that I never thought she would be interested in me because she was always dating super rich dudes who owned boats/planes, etc. and was always bragging about the fancy places she went. She said she was “over the phase.” I said, well, it would have been nice to know that a year or so ago, but that I had made plans and was sticking to them.

    –awkward silence as the check came. Haven’t spoken with her since.

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