Been dating someone I *very* much like for a few weeks now. However, we’re now 1.5 weeks in to a 3 week period where we’re both traveling and away from each other. And it SUCKS.

We text all day every day, at least 30+ messages a day (unless work gets crazy, in which case we text less but still check in with each other). We’ve been able to FaceTime twice so far, and hopefully we’ll be able to FT once or twice more (we’re both with family and in different time zones, so it’s hard to schedule time). We’re both very vocal about missing each other, letting each other know when we’re thinking of each other, and have made plans for every single weekend when we’re both back in the same city.

But still, I feel like I’m losing my mind, I can’t stop thinking about him! Distance sucks so much, especially in the infatuation phase. I just wanna wrap myself around him. UGH.

Someone help me get through the next 1.5 weeks.

1 comment
  1. Friends, video games, hobbies, work, music, being outside, sunbathing, turning off your phone for two hours intervals that’s what you can minimize your screen time substantially, let him know that the time apart is hard I’m sure he knows due to the emotions in your words but do this for the both of you, traveling and separation should make you stronger not weaker, if you cry in a puddle of thinking that you miss him and crave him; which is okay, but you’ll soaking the ground beneath you and fall right through and fold in on each other. Let it be dry, it’s okay to be dry, it’s okay to literally not text him more than 5 times a day while traveling. That way you grow that indecency, you keep him near but you are living you, think about it all you’d like I suppose though this is honestly what broke me outta that trace in beginning relationships. To change from being the happy bubbly person who always wants to jump into a relationship with confidence and boldness and love, and then to shift into a more independent, compassionate, resilient love will bond you both better. So you don’t push and pull and snap, but you pull together on Queue. Best of luck Op, I hope your love grows beautifully

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