Making this to inspire anyone who’s not already getting in their weekly exercise. As exercise is important and healthy.

  1. I work out throughout the evening at home rather than in one continuous session, often doing household chores in-between sets, i.e laundry or the dishes.

    been told that this isn’t optimal, then again most of the people arguing that are also smaller than I am.

  2. Wake up at 5, back from the gym by 7 to get the kid up.

    During the day, stuff ALWAYS comes up. Go when nobody needs you. The only workout you can’t miss is the one you’ve already done

  3. I do supersets which cuts down my gym time by around half, makes it much easier to fit it in, and MUCH less boring since I’m not just sitting there between sets

  4. I have a PSVR so I try to get an hour of that in every morning because I’m always awake a lot sooner than anyone else in my house.

    I also work from home so every hour I get up from my chair and do 5 minutes of freeweight exercises. Might not be the most effective exercise routine out there but it’s one I can stick to and I’m seeing decent results from it.

  5. I usually have to fit it in to just one day a week since I work really long days (i.e 12 hours).

    On my day off I’ll usually do a 5km run, swim laps at the pool, and lift a bit at the gym. So I get a lot in on that day. During the week, on work days, I might do sets of pushups in the kitchen while getting my breakfast ready.

    During the summer I have a more flexible schedule, and I’ll run a 5 to 10k several evenings a week, do a lot of bike riding, swimming, and gym.

  6. I don’t really work out anymore. Just focusing on maintaining what i’ve got. I do quite a bit of walking around at work though

  7. I get up at 5. Go to gym for two hours. Get my protein. Go to work. Come home and work on something else. Go to sleep and repeat.

    You do it everyday and it’s just how you wake up.

  8. Fucc a lot it’s a full body workout. I’m 5’6 I was chubby lookin at 150, found me a freak and after a month I went down to 130 😂 now I’m at 120 lookin n feelin the best I ever felt 🏆

  9. I run 4 times a week with two young children and shift work averaging 40-60km weekly and training for a half marathon. I put my sessions in my Google Calendar. Works most of the time when it’s scheduled.

  10. Normally my job is plenty of exercise itself, but I do 1-2hrs of HIIT every other day before work. Keeps me in decently good shape.

  11. I set dedicated days to do normal workouts, but besides those days I do just my gyms circuit of machines and run.

  12. I get up at 5:00 every morning and run and lift before I do anything else. I have to do it before anyone else is up, before I’m tired from the day and before anything else can distract me

  13. Rock climbing after work. It’s a great all body exercise, so I try to do it twice a week if I can.

  14. Very painfully…..a 29yr old with no kids or real responsibilities besides work, and it’s STILL HARD.

    Anyway, I aim for 3x a week no matter what. I am horrible at reeling in my appetite, so I basically do it to eat and for health/aesthetics. I work 4x10s and am generally so exhausted after my 3 days of in office. I always maximize my one day off, remote day, and one other random day I force myself thru it in the evening. Maybe an afternoon caffeine boost. There’s no real answer, you just force yourself up off the couch/bed and go get in 45 minutes.

  15. Its super important so I just allocate the hour or less required each day, The time when I’m lazily sitting on the couch could easily be spent doing cardio or my gym set.

    Also doing it early and getting it out of the way helps, Today was my lap day at the pool so I woke up at 6:45 and was home by 8 and now I dont have to do any exercise until tomorrow afternoon !!!

  16. Joined the gym at my job…i know the moment i step foot out and get home i will not excercise

  17. I’ve got a gym set up at home. I can bang out a quick workout while I have food cooking. This also includes an exercise bike pointed at a TV so I can catch up on TV shows while getting a light cardio session in. I need to set aside time for more intense workouts, but that still doesn’t take that long. For example, I ran 3 miles today and that took me about a half an hour. It was pretty easy to squeeze in among the other stuff I got done today.

    What was rough was trying to work in all of the time to train for a marathon. That was time-consuming and made me sick of working out for a while. A more moderate “I just want to be healthy” workout routine is much easier to maintain.

  18. By going for a 30 minute walk after dinner. It helps with settling the food, as well as getting some fresh air with a bit of rest at the end of the day.

  19. I walk to and from work and the supermarket – this is over 5 hours a week, one of which is with light to medium load, up to 10kg usually and rarely up to 15 – aside from the variable and impossible to quantify physical stuff I do at work.

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