What are your thoughts on double texting (in the early stages of dating people)?

  1. ppl overthink WAYY too much. just be natural and text the same way you would text any other friend

  2. I have a lot to say and sometimes that means multiple, if not many, text messages. They can deal with it.

  3. Pretty much always acceptable. Might bruise the ego a tiny bit but is a low risk high reward type thing to me so I do it occasionally.

  4. Honestly, it depends. If they’re double texting because they genuinely forgot something in their previous message, I don’t care too much. If it’s because they’re adamant about getting a response in the wee hours of the morning or because they’re sending me paragraph after paragraph of pseudointellectual nonsense, then they can get fucked.

  5. text how you normally do, regardless of who you’re texting. I always do so people see how I am

  6. tbh if you have to overthink every little step, they’re probably not the right person for you.

  7. Who cares, I think it’s nice to show they’re thinking of you throughout the day. If you’re dating you’re supposed to want to hear from them aren’t you?? As long as it’s not a constant barrage, I’d love to get multiple texts even if I don’t have time to respond immediately.

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