I’m not hating on her at all, I swear. She’s my best friend and I love her. She’s a very beautiful girl, she still refuses to see that and I tell her everyday.

The last few guys I liked, I thought I had connections with them. They liked me, having a great time. Then they meet my best friend, and I’m completely ignored.

Today, I was hanging out with a guy at his place. Then he invites a few of his friends, I felt a little uncomfortable being the only girl so I asked if it was ok
for my friend to come.

She gets here, and his entire focus is on her. They talked the whole time, until I hinted I wanted to leave. She did admit that she likes him. I smiled for her, but she realized it was fake and asked me what was wrong.

It does hurt a lot, I’m not sure what to do. I didn’t have low self esteem, until this. Every part of it shrinks down.

I don’t know how to tell her this.

TL;DR: all the guys I like or meet, end up liking my best friend.

  1. Maybe it would be an idea to not introduce your friend to the guys you like, from the very beginning

    Go on dates with the guy, just the two of you, and when you are already dating you could introduce her to him etc

  2. We’d need more context outside of this one example, but I’ll get into that example later anyway.

    How are you meeting these guys? If you’re going out on dates, why are they meeting your best friend so quickly?

    To the specific example, what was the original context of the “hangout?” How did you meet the guy? Had you been out before? Why would he just invite friends over if you were hanging out together?

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