TLDR: was wondering if saying we weren’t compatible in the long run meant he was open to that with me. I wouldn’t want to think he just wanted something temporary

My ex told me that he felt that he weren’t compatible in the long run and that he didn’t see a future with me. He said this when we broke up after 6 months. I’m still hung up on him after almost one year even tho I know he has moved on.

I apologize if this seems rather obvious. I just worry that he only wanted a short term thing and never was thinking of the potential for more

I would hate to think that he just wanted me temporarily. This was my first serious relationship and I just feel so dumb. I never thought this would happen and I was just so blindsided. He never said any issues. We never fought

  1. Instead of working with you as a partner, to improve on things and to fix anything that wasn’t working out, he decided to never tell you anything and to simply cut everything off.

    That tells me that he wasn’t putting very much effort into this relationship.

    You don’t know if he was ever serious about this relationship or if the things that he told you were just nice things to say in order to break up.

    It sounds as if you are a grasping at straws trying to find some closure. But I don’t think there is any closure to be had here. You will have to make your own closure.

    It is not good to get hung up on somebody, and certainly not somebody who is only in your life for 6 months.

    How can you move on? What can you do?

  2. It sounds likely he was considering whether or not things would work out with you long term, and decided they would not. Neither of you bringing up any issues is worrisome though. But since he’s an ex, it hardly matters.

  3. It means he doesn’t see himself dating you. He is done and try and move on. I understand it can be hard to get over a relationship, but this is going to an unhealthy extreme.

  4. Don’t beat yourself up over this. It’s not your fault that he didn’t see a future with you.

  5. Relationships take time. Anybody who expects things to be perfect and everlasting a week, a month in, believes in complete nonsense. Sure, people can say straight out with their views and beliefs and boundaries are, but it takes time to really know a person, to get a more complete picture. Sometimes we see things which make us promptly bail, but other aspects of a person take more time to become clear.

  6. I would take it as it’s not working in the short term so long term is out, too. He could have been thinking about a future with you and changed his mind or never got to that point but it just wasn’t it for the short term either.

    It’s been a year since yall broke up? For real need to try to move on. Whatever his thoughts were don’t matter at this point.

  7. Thank the lord that he didn’t just use you, sounds like you really loved him he could’ve really taken advantage of you. How about you pour all the love and thought you had for him back into yourself, it’s been a year, get yourself out there, focus on yourself! Life is short.

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