M24 here (Also kind of a confession to get it off my chest) As a piss poor millennial, dental care might as well be heart surgery as far as my wallet is concerned. I have extremely worn teeth that over the course of 3 years went from looking completely normal to looking like I have meth mouth. No amount of hygiene stopped the progression and I just recently found out that I have lupus (an autoimmune disease) which played a major role in what happened to my mouth. I now have an answer to what went wrong and as it is slightly comforting that it’s nothing I did to cause it, it still severely affects my confidence. Dating apps obviously don’t help when I’m facing countless perfect smile, knowing I can’t even make a genuine smile in fear of being judged. Most likely going to need full dentures before 30 if it keeps going at the rate it is and that thought just weighs me down more.
Point of all this is, I want to see if there are people that would honestly find interest in someone with an issue like this, knowing that it’s only going to get worse. And not just saying it to be nice.

  1. You save up for it like you save up for anything. Open a super savings account. Start putting in $5 a day. A set of veneers will be cheaper than full implants (no dentures, you’re not in a nursing home yet), so long as you get to them asap.

  2. Hey, depending on where you live I think I can tell you where you can get help for your teeth almost for nothing. This might he a game changer in your dating life and life in general.

  3. Personally I would not date a man with messed up teeth because it would be looked at as a hygiene problem. Obviously I know it’s not but that would be my first thought and that might prevent a relationship from sparking… I recommend Invisalign

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