She was attractive, seemed cool and s*x was great, what turned you off ?

  1. She was unintelligent. I’m not a genius or anything, but I like to think I’m well read. She was not, and had no interest in learning new information, and we struggled to connect on more than a surface/sexual level.

  2. Turns out she thought cheating was a very fun game and got her friends in on it to help her.

  3. An extended rant about some sort of satanic philosophy, she had no comic timing, she served me undercooked chicken and was proud of how well she did, she got way too clingy….

    Things happen, attraction is complicated.

  4. Seemed cool until the crazy came out. Also, sometimes it’s not her. I’ve been in situations where I was planning to apply for jobs in a different city/state and didn’t want to be in a relationship just to leave for more money/career opportunities. I feel like that’d just be wasting both of our time.

  5. Sex was great, _whenever it happened_.

    Sex happened way too infrequently. Her reasons for having sex or rejecting it were unknown, even to herself. Her libido was too weak or fragile to make things work long term.

    Sex was great, sex life was terrible.

  6. Lack of enough common interests to keep a conversation going.

    Sometimes our personalities didn’t fit together.

  7. She had daddy issues, treated the waiting staff poorly and felt entitled to my time and money. Oh, and also, she was a radical feminist.

  8. She was not a good person. Puts other women down and thought she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. She was just off putting.

  9. 1. She had really bad attitude after a while together, bossy, talked back on everything, “her way or highway” I chose highway. (And couple weeks later begged me to come back)
    2. I could get more intelligent conversation with fire hydrant. Sure she was smart on few subjects, that were mostly related to her work, but outside of that, I wonder how she had managed to grow up to an adult.
    3. Got in a fight with her other boyfriend… turned out she had not just 2 but 5 at the same time.
    4. Same as 1.
    5. Same as 3. But with just 3 guys.

  10. Not a lot of depth to her. I can only have sex so much. She has to be interesting too.

  11. She didn’t want to make it official, bluntly told me to my face that it’s only temporary.

    But then she got mad if I spoke to any other girl.

  12. On top of that she was the CEO of a tech company

    She was also a full-blown narcissist that lived in her own crazy reality

  13. Unresolved trauma and hurt. If you don’t resolve your major trauma it’s going to become the next persons fault and I don’t like having to answer for the crimes of the previous man who clapped your cheeks

  14. Saw her be a raging Karen one time to a gate agent at the airport. Unreasonable, unnecessary, and ineffective. I was embarrassed. I can’t do it.

  15. She always wanted sex at 2 or 3 in the morning and it exhausted me after a month or so. When I finally refused she threatened to self harm if I didn’t do what she wanted. I broke up with her the next day when she didn’t want to talk about it and work it out.

  16. He is was probably lower than room temperature. On top of that I’m huge on voices and I liked her customer service voice not her real one. Kinda hard to retreat after that, so I decided to give it a shot I just couldn’t get passed it.

  17. She was my 1st cousin. I just couldn’t get past the mental image of cross-eyed babies! j/k 😁

  18. After awhile she started asking me to loan her money, also mentioned she likes to do cocaine occasionally at work as it is better than coffee.

  19. Different with each one –
    Serious mental health issues,
    Poor judgment,
    Not intelligent enough,
    Conspiracy theory minded,
    Not reliable (forever seriously late, not trustworthy with tasks she said she’d do),
    Very bad money practices

  20. Could be lack of intelligence, annoying personality traits cropping up over time, “complicated” relationships coming to light, long list of exes, or the guy just found someone he liked better and wasn’t in too deep to cut the cord. Many things really.

  21. This happened twice in college.

    First time, I hit up a gorgeous woman in a yoga class. She was fit and sexy as hell. We got coffee after yoga, and surface level conversation flowed well. We got dinner later, and things just weren’t going smoothly. She wasn’t a great conversationalist. She seemed a little shallow. Different political ideas. Different ideas about the world. Chat was halting. Then we went home and sex was great. Mindblowing. Some of the best I can recall. We hung out several more times, and eventually had a pretty frank discussion–we didn’t like each other. As people, we just weren’t very compatible. We didn’t really have fun together, except sex. So we stopped hanging out and remained booty calls for a little bit until she got a legit boyfriend she liked hanging out with.

    Second time: asked out the head of the dance team. She also was very physically attractive. We had a spin class together, and I knew she was fit, which is important to me (and bodes well for sex). We hung out a few times and hooked up. Sex was good. She was cool, but she was one of those way too sheltered girls. Her favorite music was disney songs. Her favorite tv shows were kids shows. She didn’t like watching R rated movies. She didn’t want to engage with hard concepts in the world, like poverty or inequality. Her mommy and daddy paid for everything and kept her safe and sheltered from the world. That just isn’t my world or my experience so I stopped hanging out with her. I can’t be with someone who is the age of an adult but the maturity of a tween.

  22. A couple were just wrong time in my life, a couple others were just batshit crazy.

    Most were just having fun, either her or I were just not looking for anything else at that time

  23. I eventually realised that she didn’t want an equal partner – she wanted someone to take responsibility for her life. I think they call it co-dependancy.

    Nope. Not for me.

  24. Underlying mental health issues perpetuating trust issues, catastrophization, hyper-fixation and cyclical conflict.

  25. Her dumb woke mindset, product of a sheltered life living online, I didn’t even bother sleeping with her.

  26. She was not all that interesting and didn’t know a damn thing about what was going on in the world. Her desired depth of knowledge was mostly just figuring out what celebrities were having drama and what the next fashion trend was gonna be. She had no idea what she wanted to do in the next 5 days let alone 5 years, was in her late 30’s with not even a thought to retire or invest let alone save any money. She had a good job, but no desire to build any sort of future, just wanted to buy clothes and go out to eat.

  27. She couldn’t hold a conversation to save her life. Easily one of the biggest turn-offs for me.

  28. She yelled “OH DOCTOR” and slurped after sex. (I’m not a doctor)

    I found myself lasting the longest I ever did in my life because I didn’t want to hear “OH DOCTOR” at the end.

    Other than that, we just weren’t long term compatible.

  29. Way too needy, her happiness depended entirely on me and I was her whole point of existence. It’s great when someone loves you a lot but if they never leave you alone it’s too much for anyone.

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