Highschool for me has been absolutely miserable. I am a Junior currently and although I have like 4 friends 2 of them just are so hard to deal with. One of them is a guy called Brody and I genuinely feel like he is a racist. He is constantly saying racist shit towards me since my skin color is brown. Whenever he like sees brown he is like “Look that’s you” and laugh and I just say “Shut up” he constantly keeps saying that and he even calls me a monkey sometimes. I thought it was very surprising and kinda funny at first but it got annoying really quickly to the point where it’s just annoys me and I can’t do anything about it. I am very short and also skinny so this school just doesn’t take me seriously and is constantly just playing around with me. I have this other friend called Isabel and she is just rude towards me and makes jokes about my nose which is a little bigger then average and says the most hurtful things to me but I just laugh along even tho it’s not even that funny. The thing is I am a loner. I don’t have many friends in school and the ones that do have feel like a nightmare to deal with. I can’t just quit being friends with them cause I find it really hard to be friends with people due to social anxiety and just being a introvert. I don’t wanna be lonely I hate being lonely in lunch or when I need a partner for class. Idk what to do highschool has been so miserable to deal with every single day

  1. You can stand up for yourself without alienating your friends. Don’t laugh at the rude comments anymore next time say something like “ yeah, I’m actually not cool with the racist comments “. Keep in mind you’re almost done with this chapter of your life. The goal is getting your diploma that’s the most important thing. Maybe you can make life outside of school better by working on hobbies and friendships etc. I absolutely hated my high school years actually, right through my early twenties. Things got better and better though you learn and grow and figure it out eventually. BTW you’re probably not a loner. You’re probably an introvert who doesn’t enjoy the stupid banter. I bet when you’re with the right people you’ll have plenty to talk about.

  2. They’re jerks. I’m sorry you’re going through that. I had friends like them and I realized it was better to just drop them than waste breath explaining to people that don’t deserve it. I saw that those friends wouldn’t change at that time, so I dropped them with no explanation

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