I am currently a master student and I am dating with someone who’s working as a chef. Should we split the bill 50/50? I feel like I’m just a student with no income, but I also have to keep the equality.. But part of me also thinking he should pay cuz he is working, is it a right way of thinking? Also sometimes I cannot afford to 50/50🥲

  1. Well if you are dating I would say it’s only fair you pick up the bill sometimes.

    Now if it was say you were living together and making plans to get married, then I would still say it’s only fair to contribute as much as you can financially into the bills. There will be times you can’t and so your partner should have your back to be able to cover it, but that’s not to say don’t make it a habit. No one likes a gold digger is what I’ve heard others say about topics a lot like this one.

  2. you should be contributing something. maybe not half given the situation but something. maybe 1/3. also maybe suggest you do less expensive or free things. he can be expected to be footing the bill for two people if you are going out all the time. he would likely get annoyed by that and withdraw.

  3. Just go on dates that don’t cost money.
    Or pay him back in other ways. and I’m not even talking about sex. I mean invest time in him, put in some effort.

    Maybe cook something for him. As a chef he is probably tired of cooking for people. Would be a nice change to have a girl cook for him.
    Maybe give him a massage. Maybe do some annoying house chores, so he doesn’t need to.

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