We’ve been dating for about 2 years now and I got him this hairbrush a year ago. He cleans it pretty regularly but today after I was using it, I cleaned it and there were maybe 5 strands of long blonde hair in it. I have long black hair. When I asked him about it, he said he genuinely has no idea and that it could maybe be his mom’s from when she was visiting last week. Except her hair is short and not quite as blonde. Also, about a year ago I saw long blonde hairs in his shower and he said he had no idea whose it could be or how they got there, so I just brushed it off. But now it’s happening again and I just can’t think of how else hairs would get into a hairbrush without someone using it…Do you think he’s lying?

  1. Honey always trust your gut, you had it the first time you found the hair and you should of gone with it then, but this is too much.

    I’d end 100%.


    I’m not stupid so don’t play me for a fool, it’s not your mom’s hair at all,
    Thank you for showing me the real you, the guy who would bring another women here and sleep with her without a care for me, or my health.

    You can lie all the live long day, but I know all I need to know, I know you have been cheating and I am done, once I walk away from you, you are being blocked so do not try contact me in anyway.

    Then block him, he probably thinks he so slick 🤦🏻‍♀️.

    Also be prepared for the tears, the begging, denial, but you know all you need to know, you know its not his mom’s.. hair doesn’t magically turn lighter and longer when brushing it, and I’m sure she brought her own brush, I know if I travel whether they have a brush or not I bring my own 🤦🏻‍♀️

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