I thought he would be different because we were friends first but now that we started dating, his lack of effort has changed. He started with telling me good morning and good night every day. He would call me when he missed me. The flirty messages are non existent now. He doesn’t take me on real dates anymore and we just watch tv together in bed.

Last month when we first started dating, he was excited to getaway to the mountains for my birthday. Well, my birthday is this weekend and he has not confirmed any plans. His friends are visiting and he is busy planning their stay and has made reservations to places. Meanwhile, I’m 90% sure he forgot my stupid birthday (even though he saved it on his calendar) and because we aren’t official, I’m probably going to let it roll off my back even though my armors cracked. I’m so upset I let myself get played. He chased me first and now I’m left crying, confused, upset, and disappointed.

Just because they’re a great person (helpful, kind, a pillar of their community, etc.), it does not equal a decent partner.

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