Hey I was wondering at what kind of outside/public places you hang around with people when the vibe is good.
Here in Germany it’s often public parks or lakes where people meet each other to relax, have fun and drink alkohol. Activities like cycling and playing sports like soccer or basketball are also very popular too. But many Germans don’t go outside often so they will spend much time in their backyard for such things.
I imagine you guys have some cool nature there in the US like high cliffs and wide fields.

  1. Honestly, while there are great parks in upstate NY and my city has a number of good bars and a couple of biergartens outside, I VASTLY, vastly prefer my back yard, which is large because we are on a corner, and where the booze is free(kind of)

  2. Public parks, lakes. Activities like cycling and playing sports like soccer or basketball are also very popular.

  3. Backyard. For the most part, that doesn’t really change unless nobody has a backyard.

  4. I go shoot hoops at a park, go on walks/ hikes in state parks, or city parks, sometimes a bar with a patio, or go fishing. 23M

  5. it’s pretty common to hang out in backyards in the US too. people will grill outside and have people over to watch sports.

    but it’s also a big thing in the upper Midwest to hang out at lakes during the summer. [Devil’s Lake](https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/parks/devilslake) is a popular spot in Wisconsin for hiking, picnics, and leaf peeping (which is when you go around looking at the fall colors). there are loads of lakes people just hang out at or fish at.

    also trails, like the ice age trail in Wisconsin which winds around the whole state, including where I live, for 1200 miles. for obvious reasons, people mostly do it in small portions. but it’s really popular to walk and bike out there.

  6. I live in the middle of a vast national forest with lots of activities available. We’ll go hiking, kayaking, canoeing. ride mountain bikes, walk our dogs, etc. I’m also close to Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes that has [vast sandy beaches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negwegon_State_Park#/media/File:Negwegon_State_Park_beachfront.jpg) with a very shallow approach, so time at the beach is a weekly activity.

    Or head into town and stroll around, get an ice cream cone or a beer. Alcohol laws have changed a bit over the last few years in Michigan and lots of towns have areas where it’s ok to walk around with a drink. Browse the shops, get some food and picnic at a park, etc.

    At home we’ll put some music on outside, grill/smoke food, have a fire, play outdoor games like cornhole or ladder toss or just do maintenance or projects around the yard.

  7. I like my local parks and nature preserves. There’s lakes and ponds and streams and trails at the nature preserves. There’s benches, gazebos & things for kids to play on at the parks.

    Then there’s parks that are like a hybrid of the two. There’s usually trails, some sort of water a stream or pond, grills that the public can use and picnic tables, so you can have a cookout and go hiking or skip rocks at the stream or whatever.

    There’s never alcohol. Well, there’s not supposed to be alcohol, but idiot kids do go drinking at parks sometimes. They usually get caught, go in the woods you dumb little shits, the cops ain’t gonna catch you there, you’re faster than them and they won’t feel like chasing you very far

  8. There’s a nice park nearby that we’ll sometimes go to. It also connects to a ~30 mile long walking/biking/horse trail, which is cool.

    But mostly just our backyard. We have a fairly large and shaded yard, so it’s really nice in the summer.

  9. In Massachusetts — A weekend spring-fall usually includes one or two of these: a bike ride on a [trail](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.372468,-72.0166012,3a,75y,297.44h,78.13t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipPF2lRlv87hegir9MERNb9hDetQARtFZ7cGGhtE!2e10!7i7200!8i3600), kayaking a lake or using our paddle boards, or a hike. When I say hike it doesn’t necessarily mean hiking a mountain, but any [trail](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.1278338,-71.7156661,3a,75y,19.24h,91.39t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOGaEPjJxb8Hd_V_EteXJ0cgbvsD-oLN3e3o__c!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOGaEPjJxb8Hd_V_EteXJ0cgbvsD-oLN3e3o__c%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya243.50009-ro0-fo100!7i11264!8i5632) in the forest is called a hike in my family. A walk is around the streets – hike in nature.

    Sometimes a campfire in the yard while we play bocce or shuffleboard – or maybe a volleyball.

  10. >I imagine you guys have some cool nature there in the US like high cliffs

    Oh I got a story for this.

    I was out drinking with my friends at an abandoned quarry before I turned 21. We were all hanging out, getting drunk and my one friend got annoying white girl drunk. She was kinda running around us as we sat in a circle, and it was dark so she didn’t realize how close we were to the cliff. She didn’t see where the ground ended and stepped off the side, 50 foot drop. The scream she let out curdled my blood, it sobered us all up real quick.

    My friend who was sitting closest to where she fell reached out and caught her by her wrist. Fucking movie shit. She was dangling off the side of a cliff and the only thing keeping her from death was a 19 year old kid with amazing reflexes. He screamed “help me pull her up!” And we all ran over and dragged her back up to safety

  11. In NC, and really in a lot of the south, you have tons of lakes in state-managed parks. Much like in Italy, the subtropical climate created tons of stagnant mosquito ponds, but in the mid-20th century the army corps of engineers cleaned that up and made these places much more safe and pleasant

    Hiking is also taken seriously, since we’re lucky enough to have the great smoky mountains

  12. I live in the northeast, and the cool weather of the fall is best enjoyed by a firepit in the backyard. Sweatshirt weather + Fall’s chill and a smokey fire is great.

    When I lived in the south, the late night summer with friends on a porch with a light breeze as we talked about life are also a fond memory.

  13. I live in Massachusetts so close to the ocean. I go to the beach a lot and have a family member with a pool I spend a lot of time at

    My kids are small so we go to the park a ton when it’s nice out, we go hiking once in a while there’s a state park near me, bike rides, we go fishing, my kids play community sports outside, sometimes just hang in the backyard and grill and relax

  14. Kind of like Germany although nearly on the same scale, Vermont has a lot of public access trails. We often hike or cycle on them in the summer, and we use the more improved trails for cross country skiing during the long winter.

    We also have a lot of lake beaches in our state parks, but the water is only warm enough to swim for about a month-month and a half in the summer.

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