I (F) have been bi since high school. I have dated and had sex with girls but I didn’t really like it. I have noticed that I was really attracted to them. I have a long term boyfriend that I live with and I noticed that I am very attracted to him, but not other guys. Also, I am still attracted to girls.. Is that weird or normal? 😅

  1. So, you’re a bisexual woman who is picky about guys? Nothing wrong with that. Do what makes you happy.

  2. What is normal? Enjoy what you are and see how it shakes out for you as you live your life. You have a long and happy life ahead.

  3. My friend was like that. She was attracted to females but not the sex. She said that she really like the closeness, the compassion, you know the stuff you don’t really get from men. I mean she said more but for the life I can’t remember. Anyways she liked men as well.

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