My boyfriend (m36) and mother (f49) both struggle with depression. I (f29) have mental illness myself. I understand what they are going through to a point since everyone’s experiences are different. Unfortunately they are both not open to professional help and it’s honestly the hardest thing to just sit by and watch. All I can do is support them and ask for a helping hand when needed. In all honesty, I worry that one of them is going to end their lives someday and I’m doing what I can in my own way to make their lives a bit better despite. I know how bad mental illness can get and that’s why I try make their lives a bit better even if it’s something as simple as doing the dishes or asking if they want a coffee (we all live together). I wish I could take their depression away or add theirs on to mine soo they’re comfortable and somewhat happy. I secretly cry not just inside but when nobody is around because I feel deeply for them and someone needs to be the strong one (I prefer crying in my own company because its like my alone quiet time if that makes sense not because I think it’s weak). I’m planning to get some counciling done soon not just for myself but soo I can be a better support system for them. Because they’ve always been there for me. Soo now it’s time to be there for them.

TL;DR! – Witnessing my partners and mothers depression and hoping to get some professional help for myself and to be a better support for them.

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