When is the last time you touched grass with your bare hands or bare feet?

  1. I have a horrible sunburn from the amount of grass-touching I did on Saturday

    but until this month, I couldn’t touch any grass bc it was all covered in gd fucking snow

  2. lol, you realize most of the America is greenspace right… and that most people have access to greenspace, including grass. Are you serious? It’s not like America is mostly desert.

  3. Bare feet: a few weeks ago when I was in Florida. It’ll be a month or more until I can comfortably do that at home in Fairbanks.

    Bare hands: yesterday, while visiting family in Anchorage.

  4. Sunday while I was doing yardwork. I have taken the first week of May off work, as is my tradition, to do a lot of gardening.

  5. Probably last summer or fall. I live in a city and don’t have a yard. I touched my houseplants during watering today though.

  6. Today, I weeded a bit in my garden.

    The grass is just now coming back. Bye bye winter.

  7. Yesterday. But it was crappy weed grass because this is New England and lush grass won’t be up for a while. I picked some basil leaves off my plant about 20 min ago though …

  8. I was playing kickball on sunday and went out in my friend’s yard a couple times with no shoes on. I probably like brushed some grass with my hand today or last night but nothing extended like over the weekend.

  9. Today. Granted that’s because I fell while out running, but it still counts.

  10. About 5 minutes ago.

    I have a toddler who just started walking and is OBSESSED with our lawn. It’s really too chilly to be barefoot but the landscapers just finished up and my wife asked me to take her outside real quick.

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