(outside of sex)

  1. You don’t which is why our forefathers handled things differently and you should always get a paternity test.

  2. Observe how she acts rather than what she says. And if she shows consistent behavior in general as well as making efforts to be with you or to cooperate in general, I’d say that’s a solid hint.

  3. You’ll just know. They make it so obvious if they like you. They’ll keep calling you. Texting you. Asking you if you ate. She’ll want to know everything about your day. She’ll tell you every about her day within you asking.

  4. You talk with her. You form a relationship of love and trust with her. That’s how you know.

  5. A women who genuinely loves and respects you as a man will go out of her way to be with you. She will find ways to be around you, adhere to your boundaries, and make your life better.

    My famous analogy: women are turbochargers, men are engines. A bad engine isn’t ready to be turbocharged. A bad turbo is useless to a good engine.

  6. When *you* (keyword You) hit a crisis in terms of financials, emotional, or medical tends to be the main sorter since those who don’t care about you will usually bail with a “So I think we should start seeing other people/I am just not feeling the spark anymore” or some other statement of that regard.

    The ones that actually care will give you support and help you steer through the storm a bit. Keep those people close and do your best to scratch their backs when they need it.

  7. She wants to spend time with you. If at any point she is more interested in spending time with friends or apart, she is done with you and it’s only a matter of how long it will be until she drops the bomb.

  8. It’s fairly obvious, they put effort into maintaining the relationship (in a platonic or romantic, or whatever sense). It’s also fairly obvious when they stop caring.

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