How would you feel if your male close friend brought you flowers?

  1. If it was for an occasion (e.g. my birthday or to congratulate me for something) then I’d be delighted. If it wasn’t, I would assume he was interested in me romantically and/or sexually.

  2. I’m not a big fan of flowers, from a friend or a partner. I’d much rather get something i can eat or use

  3. For my birthday or as a congratulations for something I’d be fine with it, if it was for no reason I’d assume he’s trying to show interest and would decline them

  4. I’d think it was a very kind thing to do, but I’d also want to make sure we’re on the same page about our relationship.

  5. I have a male best friend that I have known since we were 5 years old. We moved to the same town and live 2 blocks from each other. We’re raising our families together and been thru almost every life experience together. It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for him to do something sweet like bring flowers. But knowing him, he’s also have a bouquet for his wife in the other hand. It would make my day.

  6. I would weep with joy because finally someone heard me screaming from the rooftops that I want someone to buy me flowers. But I still wouldn’t take it as a sexual or romantic gesture. Use your words.

  7. Though flower giving is a common courtship ritual, it’s not exclusively.


    It’s also done at celebrations, to cheer someone up, as a thank you, at funerals etc.

  8. If it’s for some occasion, okay (though personally, I’d also hope a friend would know me well enough to know I’d prefer food or like a potted plant—something that’s not just gonna be in my trash can in a couple days once the blooms have wilted)

    If there’s ambiguity about the friend’s intent, I will ask. If he’s trying to express interest in me, I’d hope he would be cool about it when I decline

  9. Probably confused. Mostly because my friends know I hate receiving cut flowers and prefer live plants. Also because they know I’m lesbian and feel uncomfortable about a lot of things that are traditionally signs of affection from men.

  10. Just because? Or is it my birthday? Did somebody die? Is it Valentine’s Day? Depends lol. Flowers after a death, sure. Valentine’s Day? Yikes

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