TLDR; he only wants to go out with me to parties or clubs and Im not into that.

I (F21) was seeing a guy (24yo) from college for a month before I suggested we stopped talking and he agreed because “he was too busy with school and graduating”. During that month his friend (M24), let’s call him R, hung out with us many times and I felt some attraction. So a while later I bumped into R in college and then followed him on instagram. He DMed and we suggested going for drinks then the day came and he told me there’s a party instead and told me to bring my friend with me. I went to the party alone and asked him why he wanted my friend to come and he said for his friend who’s also coming to the party. So there he talked to a few girls he didnt know while I was with him. Later we were making out before his friend interrupted us. I told him I wanted to leave early (I was uncomfortable as there were drugs) and he let me leave alone in an uber (the ride was an hour and it was scary at night). Two days later he said he’s going clubbing I told him I dont like partying and prefer more chill plans so he suggested drinks but I already had other plans. 2 days after that I asked him to hang out and he said he can’t because he has an exam the next day but we could hang out after the exam. So after his exam today, he called me and asked if I want him to come over to my dorm I said no then he asked if I wanted to get dinner I said in 2 hours because I need to study, he agreed. Then he texted me that the plans changed to a bar/party later at night, I said I cant and suggested we hang now, he said he already left the area (although we had plans) and insisted I join the party even though I told him I need to study for my exam tomorrow so I shut him off kinda rudely and he was like “you’re shutting me off like that, it’s gonna cost you” and I was like ok. I’m attracted to him but he’s an asshole and all he does is parties but I’m not into that at all and I’m not into hookups which I think is what he’s after bcz he doesnt look like a relationship guy. I’m just gonna hurt myself so what should I do? Should I give him a chance?

  1. No, don’t give him a chance. You’re not compatible and you’re already annoying each other. Don’t waste any time on this one.

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