Are they up to date with the latest celebrity drama? Or maybe they know everything that happened in their teen years but have no clue of what’s going on right now? Maybe they have a very niche interest? Are they just clueless? How do you feel about it?

  1. Sometimes I want to engage in some silly celebrity gossip and I don’t think my partner could even tell me that Beyoncé sings Single Ladies. He does however always have the latest scoop on whatever reality show we’re currently watching.

  2. Absolutely nothing, he has less than zero interest in that kind of thing, not something I’m really interested in either so it’s fine

  3. My partner knows about as much as I do. Which isn’t much. If the “pop culture” pertains to whatever garbage reality show we’re watching then he turns into a TMZ reporter. If it’s a Love After Lockup or Below Deck story, he’s all over it. If it’s Kardashian related neither of us are going to know anything. I guess I’d say we’re on the same page when it comes to pop culture, for the most part. He doesn’t care for celebrity pop culture gossip like the housewife drama or whatever happened with those bravo people recently – no idea about that stuff. But 90 Day Fiancé? Yes, he keeps me up-to-date because I don’t have Facebook so apparently I miss a lot.

  4. He probably knows more than I do. I don’t know celebrities outside of sports and politics.

  5. In his core era of interest, he’s a treasure trove of information. So death metal, warhammer 40k, drumming, PlayStation stuff, he’s an encyclopedia. If you mention the kardashians he’s probably be surprised to learn there’s more than 3 of them now.

    I love that he’s passionate about his interests and he’s excited to share it with me. I’m also glad he’s not wrapped up in the cesspool of celebrity fanaticism.

  6. Current pop culture? Less than me, so…. Next to nothing.

    80s and 90s pop culture? We are both experts.

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