I got hired to be the GM of this fishing shop a month ago after it got bought by new owners

I like the job and the pay is good but I got put into a store with no staff and I’m working almost everyday

Today is the 3rd day in a row working a 12 hour shift because my assistant manager got sick

Ownership keeps dragging their feet with recruitment and idk what to do about it anymore I’m so burnt out i can barely focus

They’re also barely around and I’m usually always in the store by myself

What should I do??

  1. “I didn’t sigh up to not have a life, not at the pay we agreed on. So either give me a substantial raise, get used to me locking the door so *I* can go fishing sometimes (or the doctor or the dog park) or hire more people. Because once I’ve had enough of this, I’m just gonna lock the door to the shop and block you on my phone.”

    A bit harsh but a gentle hint ain’t gonna work with your owner, I’m guessing.

  2. Start looking for opportunities elsewhere and let them know that they need to get their shit together. Be specific about what the issues are and how you expect them to be handled. If they make progress in a reasonable amount of time, great. If not, you get another gig,

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