I’m looking for input on giving men/guys/males compliments on their looks that aren’t condescending or effeminate sounding?

Besides handsome/gorgeous/sexy

Is plain acceptable? “You have pretty colored eyes.”

  1. Almost 15 years ago, a stripper told me I had beautiful eyes…. That shit stuck with me even though she was probably full of shit. I couldn’t even tell you any other compliment a woman besides my wife told me lmao

  2. There aren’t rules about this. I’ve had women tell me I have a nice smile and gorgeous/nice/pretty eyes. Saying something about a man is beautiful isn’t effeminate, saying a man as a whole is “pretty” would be.

    You have no idea how rarely straight men get complimented on their physical appearance, I’m sure they would welcome it.

  3. Just tell him he looks like he’s been working out and squeeze his bicep. This trick works on 100% of men.

  4. There was a girl that randomly called me hot in the middle of class in college. I still think about that whenever compliments come up. It probably helps that she was someone I had never talked to before that day. Not entirely sure she meant to actually say it out loud either. So you know don’t look down on the generic ones.

  5. The best part is simple compliments mean a lot to men because we don’t get a lot of them whatsoever. I remember every single compliment I ever got when I turned 18 because prior to that I didn’t put effort into my appearance. After I started dressing better and hitting the gym, I got alot more compliments and that stuck with me. For ex: “your hands are so manly and warm” “your eyes look like a pool of honey in the sun” “you look so handsome with that haircut”

  6. The same as what women want from men. Compliment him on a choice, not a trait. Telling him he has pretty eyes is nice. Telling him that his shirt brings out the color in them is great.

  7. I’ve had women tell me I smell good. Whatever cologne I was wearing was subtle, but it smelled good.

    At work, lady says my eyes are pretty. Just said it.

    I think it would come off as condescending if you made a compliment and followed it up with a criticism.
    “You have pretty eyes, but you need to pluck your eyebrows.”
    “Do you work out? Because you need to work out more often.”

    All the posts I’ve seen, the comments, plus my own experiences, tell me that just being blunt, just saying a compliment, is more than likely the best approach. And that guy will probably remember that moment forever.

  8. Don’t.

    Many will mistake it for you being interested in them.

    Save both them and you an awkward situation, as well as hurt feelings.

  9. If you say he has nice eyes, like “wow you have really nice eyes” he will make eye contact with you more

    If you compliment him on his work/ability/project/art in a specific way that shows you were paying attention – putty, instant putty.

    This is why boys do stupid things in front of girls

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