I have great news! So, I made friends with two guys at University and since meeting them I can confidently say that we’re definitely friends. It was one of their birthdays recently and he invited me along to his birthday party (just a chill get-together, it was super fun) and they both introduced me to the rest of their friend group! I got along with all of them really well, got invited back and at this point I’ve basically been adopted as one of theirs. They’re inviting me to play Pathfinder with them, I’ve been added to their group chat and at this point, every moment with this group of people makes me so happy I could cry.

Here’s where the problems arise. I am **terrified** of coming across too strong, or being too clingy and accidentally scaring the rest of the group. My two mutual friends have put up with me for a while now, but I’m still scared of accidentally putting them off if I start getting too comfortable. Like, I like these people a lot, I feel like I can really and truly be myself around them, and it has been just over a week and I’m already missing them!

Anyway, I guess what I’m looking for is some advice on how to not be too clingy or overbearing. I tend to get really attached to people that I like, and I guess university being a rather isolating experience until now has kinda exacerbated this. I genuinely feel so lucky to have met and been accepted by such a wonderful group of people and I’m absolutely terrified that I’m going to say or do something stupid or maybe they’ll realise my personality is irritating and I’ll accidentally ruin everything. Any advice you all have will be greatly appreciated!

1 comment
  1. They like you. Keep doing what you’re doing. They are human just like you. Relax and have fun. Roll with it so to speak.

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