When have you got rid of tangible items from last relationships?

  1. Very rarely. Only if the object is legitimately useless to me. I’m a sentimental person.

  2. I really regret that I immediately got rid of some stuff that an ex gave me! He got me a really nice jacket and some other things. The jacket was really nice but I gave it away! I wish I kept it and just placed it out of sight temporarily. I ended up buying 2 other ones of the same brand at a later time for myself. 🙂

    But in the past, I got rid of stuff right away. It did help me move on faster. But I think it’s better to temporarily place it out of sight and then decide later where to keep it or not. If I could go back to the past, I would tell my past self to wait before deciding to get rid of something. 🙂

  3. Immediate. Gave them all back as I did not want a reminder of that person around me.

  4. Quickly after the break up to make myself understand that it was really finished and not keep myself hoping. It might have been a little too fast but it also really helped me realize.
    I just kept a photo album bc I like the idea of having paper memories of my life stories for when I’m 70 y old and want to talk about my youth to my grandchildren. Almost 5 years later, I’m in a new relationship and I’m glad I kept this album even if I never opened it, it’s just somewhere in a closet waiting for my grandchildren 😅😅

  5. I’ve only gotten rid of things that I only kept for sentimental value when I was dating them. So clothing or jewelry that wasn’t really my style got given away once we broke up

  6. This was with the first person I fell head over heels to (read: I wanted to marry him back then). We met on the 15th, and I manage to get rid of everything four months after the breakup on the 15th too. I purposely chose to do it on the 15th and wore the ugliest outfit doing so, so I could burn everything and not be reminded of him. 😅 But I did keep my first emails with him (printed), which I only checked once or twice in the span of two years plus post-breakup. Other than that, I don’t have anything that I save physically. I don’t have any bad feelings for him, in fact, I’m very glad I met him, but I just couldn’t see myself keeping anything that reminded me of him … I just feel like it’s holding me back.

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