I visited an escort earlier. Everything went fine until the moment I came. When I tried to pull out I realised the condom stayed in halfway so I pulled it by hand and noticed the content spilled on the bed. The lady ran her hand to see and said there was nothing and didn’t seem to bother.
I was still stressed when I got home so I sent her a message to ask her if she’ll take the pill and she said that there was nothing and she wants to finish her studies not become a mom to a child without a dad and « ok I’ll take it haha ».
What are the odds of her still ending up pregnant ? Is it wise for me to check on her in a couple of days/weeks just for peace of mind? I’m really bad socially so I don’t know how to act/react.
Thank you

  1. There’s no way to know. Even with perfect use condoms are not 100% protection from pregnancy.

  2. Condoms prevent against *disease*. A professional prostitute who relies solely on condoms for contraception will get pregnant in pretty short order — a minor mishap like yours will barely move the needle in terms of probability.

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