Me(M) and my partner(F) have gotten bored of our usual routine, so we’ve decided to plan a day long sex marathon. We’ve never done anything like this and are hoping to find some tips here.

  1. Food, lots of premade food. My wife and I used to order two large pizzas and put them in the fridge. Water to drink.

    As for the sex, well you know what to do.

  2. Gatorade. Pick some porn movies to watch together in between sessions. Lube early and often.

  3. Hydrate. Pace yourself. Lots of lube. Have comfort food at the ready.

    And remember every time he cums, it’ll take longer to “reload” than the last time. So don’t rush it. Trade massages with each other in some of the down times. Full body, feet, shoulders, scalp, whatever each wants.

    And there’s no shame in taking a long break and just cuddle on the couch watching TV for an hour or 2 or 3.

  4. Idk, my experience has generally been that planned marathon sex usually doesn’t end up as marathon sex. At least that’s how it’s played out with everyone other than my current SO, with whom pretty much all of our sex is marathon sex because we’re both HL.

    Hopefully I’m wrong and there’s plenty of assault with the friendly weapon. On top of the other recommendations-pain killers for the following day might be in order or worth thinking about.

  5. Ruiget for men.

    You’ll need to stay hydrated. Have lots of fruit handy.

    Maybe some weed. Nah, def some weed.

  6. Just be naked most of the day! Doesn’t have to be sex the whole time. Intimacy, touching cuddling etc. Make sure you have plenty of food and tasty treats and drinks. Plan a nice meal together, have some soft blankets clean and washed to use around the house

  7. Lube, hydration, balance! Don’t go all out for rounds one and two. Maybe as well, if you’re both into it, use different holes!!

  8. This is something where ambition and reality don’t usually meet up – much better to come in with the intention of “a day where we spend all our time together sexually” instead of “we’re gonna fuck for 24 hours”

  9. I did this once with an ex girlfriend… I came 13 times in a 36 hour period, it was glorious. I’ve never even come close to breaking that record again…

    As for tips… we never left the bedroom so we had food, water, TV, porn, lube, toys and music.

  10. Sounds fun. Don’t think about it too much. Don’t put too much pressure on going round after round. Just hang out and it’ll flow or it should atleast..

  11. Planned this with the wife a time or two. Here’s how it usually goes

    Round 1. Lots of foreplay switching positions. A little of what both want. Finish recovery for a little while

    Round 2 more foreplay usually the position that she likes the best. Finish recover for a little while longer than the third.

    Round 3. Laying naked in bed together watching a movie or binging some show we are behind on

  12. Whenever my wife and I would move, we would “break in” the new house by having sex in every room of the new place on the first Saturday there, no matter how long it took to get it in. Everything from penetration to lots and lots of oral.

    In 26 years, due to my work, we’ve moved 12 times. Some traditions are the most fun.

  13. A lot of good advice but also terrible advice when it comes to nutrition. Stay away from greasy foods such as pizza. Maybe the night before you can load on carbs but not the day of. Hydration, lean small meals, shakes, granola bars for snacks, and especially potassium, are your friends.
    Get yourself a yoga mat and towels in case you get bored of the bed which you likely will.
    Maybe go shopping for some toys.
    This is a marathon, not a sprint.

  14. For my marathons, I usually take a dick pill. Don’t get one from the gas station though. Go to a sex store and pick one out. My personal favorite is anything Gold Lion. No hangover and lasts forever. Also recovery time is less than usual.

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