33 here.

To make my story short, I’m still in touch with my best friends whom i meet in my 20s. But now, they all have kids and are married and I’m the odd one out. I moved to Chicago (which is only about a 30 min drive to them and family) so it’s easy to see them. Once I moved here I started going to a local dive bar and I ended up meeting a ton of people in their mid 20s whom I get along with great!

I wasted a lot of my 20’s in religion, and getting out at 27 took it’s toll on me. So being here is just like starting over. I’m just wondering, does anybody else have younger friends in their 20’s? If not, what age group do you tend to hang around with at this age?

Cheers friends!

  1. Weirdly most of my friends are older. 40-50s.

    My wife and I had our kids younger than most people we know that are the same age as us. So they’re all home with toddlers and our teenager watches the 9 year old. It’s pretty great. We go out whenever we want and have a great social life again.

  2. In my 30s I made the great shift from quantity of friends, to quality.

    I’ve tended to gravitate toward people who are at a similar station in life, as you’ve done (not married, no kids). But I’ve also found great friendships with people who, while they may not be in the same exact place as me in life, share the same values/principles that I have.

    This commitment to values/principles has also led me to let go of some friendships that I valued in my 20s. We’ve got a finite amount of time on earth; better for me to not waste it trying to “fix” people whom I used to think were cool.

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