Is there a name for that??? Like I could never start off by me getting pleased, it’s honestly a major turn off. I wouldn’t even need her to touch my bits at all and maybe I wouldn’t even want to. I do experience sometimes the need to have genital-on-genital contact but not really much. I do get turned on though and maybe I’d touch myself at the same time (very rarely) but my main focus would be making her feel good. I don’t think I’m on the asexuality spectrum maybe. I feel good because she feels good, that’s it, I’m satisfied with that. I just want to know if there’s a name for this. I would maybe involve my genitals later on if that’s what she’s into but I really don’t need to. If she wants it, I want it too and otherwise it genuinely wouldn’t occur to me. I’m completely into it and like it though and so is she. Idk if I’m the weird one because usually both people want to feel good by being touched somehow but I don’t. When I fantasise about sex the only way I’m involved is by the other person feeling good, my genitals don’t need that. And that usually turns me on and is what I really crave. Idk I just wanna know if it has a name lol.

(English is my second language ignore how bad this all is)

  1. I know there’s a word for that but I can’t think of it lmao, you aren’t alone though

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