For context: I broke up with my Ex a few months ago because I fell out of love and the break up was initiated by me. She knew it was coming but did not fully accept it. After a month I started getting to know a wonderful person through some common groups and we were just the two most compatible people. So I pursued her but she doesn’t text or initiate any of the conversation. When we meet, she is amazing at talking non-stop. She also said she is considering a potential relationship. What does that even mean? She is demisexual so I am fine with taking it at her pace but she gives me all sorts of mixed signals.

Let’s come to the karma part, I am here waiting for the person I’m interested in to text and getting no response while my Ex constantly texts me and I haven’t replied to any of it because she doesn’t seem to want to understand it’s over. I keep tying the two thinking maybe because I’m ignoring someone, it’s happening to me too.

1 comment
  1. There’s no such thing as karma. Too many awful people living life doing awful things with zero or quite little consequences to believe in karma. Live long enough and you’ll probably experience the same thing from different angles.

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