

In general.

  1. at a certain age (31) – I decided to rule my hairline and just shave the whole motherfker – I can’t even imagine a head of hair 30 years on – but when they cure baldness, I’m lining up!

  2. Similar to losing your hearing or eye sight, your other senses are heightened. With hair loss you grow more hair in your crack and on your back… making up for it?

  3. It hasn’t. It may not be fun but it’s part of life so I don’t worry about it. My favorite haircut doesn’t work that well anymore but I have a good barber who can come up with something else. And eventually I’ll just go to very short or bald hair.

  4. Professionally: Nothing has changed

    Dating-wise: Nothing has changed

    In general: I use less shampoo

  5. It has not affected me one way or the other and I have always worked in a professional environment. I found most women love it. I knew I was going to be bald at around 18-19 years old so I embraced it and shaved my head, at 27 I had a tattoo put on the back of it.

  6. It’s more of a hair migration for me. I don’t love it. At my age things are happening that I’m not going to live. Accept it as a part of life or do something about it if really bothers you. Bald dudes are in these days so what’s the big deal?

    One more thing that I can’t stress enough. Under no circumstances go with a combover. Nobody in history has looked at a man with a combover and not noticed. Ever.

  7. Professionally: No change at all.

    Dating Wise: I’ve had some girls make fun of it and reject me because of it.

    In general: I can only get a bald head or a low fade haircut from now on.

  8. I used to be self conscious but I’ve since grown out my hair long enough that it covers my balding temples. You can’t see it unless I physically lift my hair back. Overall hasn’t affected me in the slightest.

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