So I have two separate 4th dates on the calendar with different women. I like both of them a lot, and they both seem to like me quite a bit, too. I didn’t expect to get this far with either of them, let alone both of them — I assumed that at least one of them wouldn’t pan out.

How does one approach this? From a woman’s perspective, is it unethical to still be seeing someone else when you’re 4 dates in? Or is it fine to continue dating multiple people up until you agree on exclusivity with someone?

  1. We are all different. Some are ok with dating multiples and some aren’t. Best ask them to avoid unnecessary hurt/drama.

  2. I’d say it’s a grey area. Id pick one right after the upcoming dates and let the other go.

    That’s only if ur looking for something serious of course… if your not keep seeing both of them but be honest about it.

  3. I’d make a choice at this point. Think about which one is most likely to last, give you what you want and be a consistent support.

  4. As a woman, I think it’s fine until exclusivity has been established as long as you’re honest whenever anything abt what plans you have come up.

    But if someone wants exclusivity and you aren’t ready yet, be prepared they cut their losses. Which I suppose could make things easier for you hahah

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