Hey guys!
I had a question regarding my sexual health you could say. I’m 20m and I’m celibate for religious reasons I’ve done stuff before but still virgin. Anyways, I have been watching porn for a long time now since I was fairly young. And honestly I still haven’t stopped I usually only watch it and masturbate 2-3 times a week. Usually on the weekends like Friday night or Saturday 😉 I also have a couple of sex toys like fleshlights and a prostate vibrator. But my worry is… I don’t feel like it’s good for my sexual health maybe? I understand that porn is fake in many ways and I’ve actually become more open to more natural women rather than just the porn bodies! I don’t think it has a negative effect on me really as it’s just something I like to do on the weekends! However I do have a Reddit account where I post porn during the week here and there when I get an extra few minutes to post lol but I don’t masturbate!

Honestly I’m starting to feel like this isn’t the best way to live my sexual life as it’s kinda looked down upon in my community to be a a young man with fleshlights and sex toys and watching porn etc etc
Is what I’m doing okay?

  1. It is ok as long as it doesn’t interfere with your life. You’re not skipping responsibility or taking crazy risks. Now, religiously is a different story, but… Meh

  2. All of this sounds perfectly healthy and normal. It’s great that you are experimenting and getting to know your own body. Knowing what you like will help you be a better and more communicative sex partner in the future.

  3. i dont think its looked down upon, its very normal to masturbate. so long as its not excessive. porn can be unhealthy

  4. The masturbation is definitely normal and not unhealthy unless done in excess. It shouldn’t make you feel insecure with your religion as it probably has been a factor in helping you remain a virgin. However i would say that the porn is unhealthy, especially considering you now post it in your spare time, maybe try and lessen your intake because when you do lose your virginity one day your expectations will be extremely high. Saying that though what you’re doing is okay, if you feel it is, don’t be pressured by other people’s expectations as it’s your sexualit.

  5. In terms of secular ethics, there’s nothing wrong with healthy masturbation.

    In terms of your religion, if you’re celibate for religious reasons, you’re probably also violating some strictures of your nominal faith by masturbating, consuming porn, and stimulating your prostate. So there’s likely some amount of hypocrisy going on here, which generally isn’t good for a person.

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