I went out with a guy the other night. Long story short we ended up having sex twice. He knew I’m not on birth control, he knew that I was ovulating, and I had previously told him that I would like him to wear a condom as he had been with other people since he last got tested.

Anyway, he came inside me the second time. We spoke afterwards about me getting Plan B, and I told him that I don’t think it works if I’ve already ovulated. He googled it to confirm that was true.

EDIT for everyone in the comments saying it’s not assault: We had agreed prior to having unprotected sex that he would pull out. I did not give him consent to ejaculate inside of me.

  1. I’m lost. Why were we having sex with this man twice without a condom? Were you intoxicated?

  2. So let me get this straight, you wanted him to wear a condom but he didn’t and you willingly still let him have sex with you without it? You need to make better choices and have stronger boundaries

  3. How many times have you guys hungout? I’m soo jealous bc I prob look wayy better than this guy & still not getting action 😹

  4. You met a man, went to his house, and had consensual sex with him twice, but you’re bothered by him not wearing a condom? I mean, no that’s not assault, that’s just irresponsible behavior all around.

  5. If you ****willingly**** let him do you without a condom, despite initially having told him to wear one, means you ****consented**** to him not wearing a condom.
    So you were not assaulted
    Unless if you were intoxicated at the time (and good luck demonstrating that)

  6. I saw a video about a man like that, he offers to pay for the abortions 🫠

  7. These other commenters are wrong, OP. Please don’t listen to them.

    Setting a sexual boundary, someone intentionally violates that boundary = assault.

    Here is RAINN’s number. Call them. Don’t listen to uninformed strangers on the internet that are not experts on assault, please.

    1.800.656.4673 – National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN)

    I am so sorry you experienced this. Good luck.

  8. You didn’t give consent to what he did, so yes you were assaulted. Why would you trust some random man on something like this especially when you know you ovulated and aren’t on BC and abortions are becoming such as issue and men aren’t quite popular for not assaulting women, that’s all beyond me. I’m sorry you had this happen to you and I hope you get all the care you need, but you need to be more careful with men and definitely not sleep around. Not because it’d make you a ho, but because men are like this. Speaking of which, based on some other stories I’ve seen on here, it could’ve ended up much worse.

  9. Definitely no assault. Terrible choice by you not that im judging or any better than you. Hes Definitely an asshole
    IMHO. Sorry that happened.

  10. Geez. A lot of judgement in here.

    As another comment suggested. If you KNEW he wasn’t wearing a condom. Then no. It’s not assault. If he told you he had one on and then didn’t. Then yes, it is.

    Either way. Hopefully you are in a good mental space now!

  11. You can still get pregnant even if they don’t ejaculate inside. Be responsible all around and be more careful. In this case it takes two to tango and you were both highly irresponsible.

  12. Did you tell him to stop?

    It seems you didn’t tell him to stop. You had s*x, unprotected, the first time. Then again the second time.

    No means no! And “use a condom” means use a condom.

    But you can’t call it an assault after the fact. If you went along with it.

    This is a really wishy washy area. And you did absolutely NOT provide enough info.

    Personally he wouldn’t have had a second go if he wouldn’t have used a condom. He would have gotten some good old Texas shotgun hospitality 🤷‍♀️

  13. Take plan b right now. Other options include getting an IUD placed or a prescription for Ella

  14. What kind of society are we becoming if you’re questioning whether you got assaulted in a situation like this? How does that even come up in your mind? Nothing happened to suggest that you’ve been assaulted.

  15. Well I’m going against the grain here but nonconsensual insemination is actually a gray legal area at the moment. [Here’s an abstract.](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2033926) I’m not sure how many/which states view consenting to insemination as distinct from consenting to intercourse today. [Here’s an article about a ruling from the court in the UK.](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-22281457) I don’t know of case like this in the US, though that doesn’t mean they’re not there. Long story short there are people that out there agree with you and I’m not qualified to give legal advice but it couldn’t hurt to seek it out if you feel violated by what happened.

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