I’m assuming most people will say no, but is that really true? I went to a very religious college and am not religious now so I’m scared of attracting exactly what I dislike on dating apps because of it

  1. I don’t think most non-religious people would even recognize the name of most religious colleges.

  2. When I was dating then I did, but mostly about what kinds of field did she study. I think its very important. But also if she studied something like “impossible” to not do if you pay enough money was no go.

  3. Hell yes. If they weren’t/arent the starting quarterback at their online school I’m like wtf???

  4. Personally I dont. I didn’t go to college at all. I dont care if he did or where it was.

    I just want someone financially responsible. Don’t care about income, occupation, or education

  5. I didn’t care about colleges per se, but I’d avoid someone who seemed overly religious, as I’m not at all.

    I’d just omit the name of the institution in my bio. If matches are curious enough to ask you can explain the situation: ta dah, ready made conversation.

    Also include your religion (or lack thereof) in your profile; it should filter out people who don’t share your values.

  6. I might mention something about their college sports team if they also say they’re into that but that’s it.

  7. i think college time affects most of the people.
    so yea, id care abt what college they went to, because its often a big part of their life and/or personality.

    (does not apply to everyone)

  8. I think you’re right that listing an overtly religious school as your alma mater will potentially attract those you don’t wish to attract or turn off those you don’t want to turn off.

  9. Is it even a topic that comes up? People ask me what I do for a living, or at most what degree I have. No one bothered typically to go into my back story. Do you have to fill that university in the dating app? Just lie… you can explain that later.

  10. Everyone is different. If someone says they went to Bob Jones University I’m going to be making some assumptions about them.

  11. Only matters if you went to a top 50 school, a fake school or have something mutual in common (school or city) with someone.

  12. I see a lot of ppl worrying about that in Utah, when they graduate from BYU.

    Just disclose that you’re not religious, or how religious you are…

  13. If you put agnostic on your profile and went to Creighton or BYU I don’t think most people will care that you went to a religious school. I know I wouldn’t.

  14. I’d remove your college from the info if you aren’t religious. You may attract more religious people or someone like me who is not interested in dating a Christian would assume you were practicing.

  15. I had an catholic education early on and I actually do avoid people going to or graduated from religious institutions. Unless specified that they are non-practicing or not religious.
    Other than that? No. Someone could have never gone and it wouldnt bother me.

  16. I think people can tell if your religious or non religious just by a simple conversation about it. Just saying what college you went to is not a deal breaker in any way.

  17. Nope. Going to a religious college doesn’t necessarily reflect someones views.

    Seems like an easy solution, Just don’t put the name of the college you went to on your profile?

  18. Just don’t put that in your profile. It’s completely unnecessary, and you’re right – it could give people the wrong impression of who you are now. Speaking for myself, I’m not religious, and I definitely would swipe left on someone who appeared to be religious.

    It’ll probably come up naturally in conversations at some point. If & when that happens that’ll be a great time for you to share why you chose the school you went to, and where you’re at now with religion.

  19. Lol people who do this are lowkey just status and elitist people imo. Most people care if you’ve had higher education but even then imo people just ultimately care about job tittle

  20. Honestly there isn’t a huge stigma with universities in Canada like there is with in the USA.

    So no. I mean one or 2 schools are known as being snobby or if there is more than one university in a city, example Montreal and ottawa, one will be the more nationally known uni and/or there will be a rivalry between schools as well as one school excelling at certain programs Vs the other school

  21. As someone who has a LOT of religious trauma if someone told me they or family they have graduated from a very religious school I wouldn’t continue seeing them again. That being said that’s 100% a me issue stemming from my own experience and it’s unlikely you’ll run into this issue in your actual life.

  22. Did you go to BYU or one called Jesuit University or something? If so, I think it’s easy to explain that you’re no longer religious. If someone says “oh you went to BYU, are you Mormon?” You can just answer “my family is, but I’m not much into it”. That simple. If it’s not a school like that or with an obvious name, I doubt anyone would notice.

  23. For me (who has a PhD), yes, I do judge what school you went to but I don’t care if it is religious or not but I care if it is rigorous.

  24. Personally I find it completely cringe that people care about what college people went to so much

  25. ??? No lol

    Like they might care about what degree u got. Like a masters in accounting? Or a phd is 16th century underwater basket weaving.

  26. Do you put what college you went to on your dating profile? Leave that info out until the first date. If they ask then you can clear that up in person and it shouldn’t be an issue.

  27. I hate to admit this, but if I see BYU, I usually make a negative judgement and have to talk myself out of that implicit bias.

  28. i met a girl who said she went to a school called south harmon institute of technology and was really skeptical at first. she saw that and invited me to the campus to prove it was real. curriculum was kinda strange but it was a fun school and she enjoyed it. to answer your question, having a college degree is important and I would never date anyone without one

  29. I’ve never even been on a college campus, so I feel like I would get judged more for not going period by somebody who did. I personally wouldn’t judge what high school you went to, because to me it doesn’t matter, just as long as you have something to show for it and it wasn’t a waste of multiple years of your life.

  30. I actually negatively judged someone because they went to an Ivy league school and their student loan payments were more than my mortgage. We always did super cheap dates, which I was absolutely fine with. The judgment came from when he told me he planned to push all of his future kids towards Ivy league schools. I told him I’d never agree to that, and I’d actually push my kids away from Ivy league. I went to an online school without a good reputation and make considerably more money than him. I’m not trying to gloat…I just don’t think Ivy league is all that important and I saw some super fundamental differences in us based on that.

  31. I’d prefer to date someone who went to a prestigious school. They’re more likely to have a better job and higher pay and the dual income would be amazing. I dated someone who went to a Mormon school and it was interesting to learn about the culture.

  32. Some people care.
    I’ve had girls (when I was single and dating) sometimes make fun I went to a state school.
    Very few though.

    And now that I’ve gone to a top tier Grad school, I’ve been told it would rank me higher.

    I, as a guy, don’t really care where a girl has gone to school as long as it’s decent. States are fine. But random online universities that give paid degrees I have a hard time respecting. I say this cause my brother did one, and he learned nothing; and it never helped him. He only did it cause he wanted my parents to stop bugging him about going to school.

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