What would you think of yourself if you hit 30 and never had a girlfriend?

  1. ¿What do i have by 30? If i’m unemployed and living at my parents or under a bridge, i’m a waste of space, if i have a job that i enjoy, my own house and no debt, i’m doing pretty good, girlfriend or not.

  2. Knowing what I do about women, I’d realize I didn’t miss out on too much.

  3. I’d be soooo accomplished, have a ton of savings, no kids, amazing physique, my sanity, oh and did I mention money? Women are a distraction. Spend all that time on developing you.

  4. Been there, done that, I am 39 now, kissless virgin. Nothing really happened. I was not affraid of that neither I am now approaching 40. Simply I knew I am ugly from early ages (like 7-8 years old). High school and university was tough, especially because I always hanged with handsome popular guys and they obviously used their “superpower” on attractive girls/women. It was painful to see how easy it was (still is) for them to pick up girls or how many things they could allow themselves yet getting full attention from females. Then around 26-27 things started getting better.

  5. Not too much

    I’d feel worried or dissatisfied though, if I still felt bad about my life/had depressed moments

  6. “Well, safe to assume I’ll be single the rest of my life.

    Alright, life goes on, let’s see what I can do today.”

  7. I better have a shit ton of money in savings because dating is expensive. If I’m broke and single that’s just sad.

  8. That hopefully you accomplished a lot more in your life because of that.

  9. I did, and felt pretty good about it

    I never wanted one, so it meant I didn’t cave in to society’s expectations

  10. I’ve long past that milestone (I’m less than two years off 40!) and always been single.

    It did trouble me for many years but one of the great things about getting older is I’ve learnt to make peace with it and find acceptance.

    It’s become rather refreshing to leave expectations and social constructs such as relationships, marriage and kids behind and start focusing only on myself.

  11. -That I’d be thirty without ever having a girlfriend.

    Antagonizer: “What would you do if I punched you in the face.”
    Me: “Get punched in the face.”

    -That I was gay and had plenty of boyfriends.

    -There was an arranged marriage and I went straight to wife.

    -That I was asexual and never desired one.

    -That I have only dated transgender women and due to my beliefs don’t see them as women but like what they are rockin’.

    -That the last 20 years in a coma were rather boring.

    -That wolves raising me wasn’t all too bad.

    -That I can’t be loved.

    -That I can’t show love.

    -That everyone I ever dated wasn’t really my girlfriend because I live my life in denial.

    It’s really a tossup. Not enough information to form an opinion.

  12. Not having a girlfriend is 1 thing.

    not being financially independant is also 1 thing.

    Not being in shape is 1 thing.

    Not knowing what you want to do with your life is 1 other thing.

    Not having a solid friend circle is also 1 thing.

    Not having a career is also 1 thing.

    Not having a place to stay is 1 thing.

    Not knowing having a projet which passion you is 1 thing.

    And there’s a lot of other things.

    By 30, you should have a few of these things going on. But most people don’t have every single box.

    So let’s take you. You don’t have a girlfriend. Well, that’s 1 thing you don’t have.

    Don’t judge yourself over 1 thing.

    But if you see a pattern, then try to improve those things, 1 at a time.

  13. I’ve had a lot of girlfriends before the age of 30, and now I’m well beyond that age. So I can’t speak from personal experience on this matter.

    What I can tell you… women under 30 are all nuts, lol. And men under 30, even the smart ones are all idiots (within the context of relationships at least). Relationships are thus an absolute clusterfuck when you’re young. With age, comes apathy and pragmatism. The emotional highs and lows experienced in youth tend to level out a bit, the amount of drama is severely lessened and the whole experience of a relationship is completely different after that proximate age. Your priorities changes, her priorities change, and you’re both better equipped in virtually every way to make it work.

    And lots of people do beat those odds and have successful relationships before that age. It’s just more difficult. When you’re financially stable, you’ve settled into a career, you’re not punching a clock at some crap minimum-wage service job, you have built equity in your home… many people at that point have kids or have decided to remain child-free, you both just have a much clearer picture of what you want in life, how to get it, and it’s easier to see if you’re compatible right from the start.

    So Starting dating AFTER age 30…

    1) You’ll miss out on some of the dramatic highs and lows that are common in youth. When you’re young, the other person just instantly becomes your whole world, and you theirs… there’s an intensity you won’t find with older partners, mostly because you’re older. You might have missed the boat on some of that, which is admittedly fun when looking back, but really, you’re probably better off without all the nonsense that plagues young relations.

    2) You’ll probably be more likely to succeed in a relationship long term. You’re surely more stable now than you were in your teens and 20s. More experienced. You know what you want and what you don’t. That’s really good! It’s a lot harder when you’re with a partner and trying to figure all that stuff out, only to realize you both want different things. You don’t need to spend nearly as much effort working on yourself or finding compromises. You still have to do those things, but it’s easier when you’re older.

    3) You will probably appear to her as being a bit immature. Just a general lack of dating experience means that the rookie mistakes most of use make in our teens and grow out of, will be entirely new to you. Be especially wary of jealousy and controlling behavior on your part. Most guys go through that phase and it takes a little while to get a handle on it. Just keep that in mind. Also, you don’t need to impress a girl at your age by boasting, that will backfire. You’re an adult, your station in life is self-evident by now. Just accept yourself as you are. The worst thing you could do is tell lies to impress a girl. Honesty and humility impresses them.

    Now go out there and get you some…

    Godspeed, my dude.

  14. As a 31y old virgin, i find life to be completely meaningless. Nothing to live for. Just an endless loop of trying self improvement.

  15. I’m 34 and a virgin. Never dated or had women interested. What do I think of myself? I can only conclude that I’m unattractive.

  16. I’d think well avoided mate. You were gonna be broke and single about now anyway but now no therapy costs.

    It’s the little imaginary wins.

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