What kind of supplements do you take and how do they benefit you?

  1. Iron supplements, hair and nail supplements, and recovery supplements for post workout.

  2. Fish oil for heart health, vitamin D3 (started taking these last summer because I don’t like hot weather), and recently started taking Iron because my PCOS decided it wanted to flare up again.

    The D3 has been the most beneficial for me. I have more energy, more alert during the day. I didn’t know how deficient I was until started taking it.

  3. I use a green powder that I mix with water or juice. It gives me more energy. I also take turmeric & ginger to maintain a strong immune system.

  4. Trace mineral drops, collagen, cod liver oil, raw grass-fed beef liver, raw honey with pollen, various extra sources of potassium, and herbal teas/tinctures based on what my needs are for the week. These have all *seriously* changed my energy and moods after 2 years of severe post-partum sleep deprivation, and birth trauma. I was experiencing a lot of vertigo, unexpected feelings of intense anger, and brain fog. It’s not as if every day is amazing, but things are much, much better. I tried all the mentioned supplements in capsules or tablets, but I found my body absorbs and responds better to the whole food and liquid sources.

  5. I take a multivitamin and vitamin D.

    Multivitamin is just to ensure I get enough from a somewhat unbalanced diet, and vitamin D because I live in the North and that’s the only way I get it half the year.

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