I’m just curious to see what men like to be complemented on – rather than handsome, funny, etc.

  1. Try objectifying the crap out of him and treating him like a sexual creature

  2. Most of the time men will be over the moon to be complimented at all! But aside from handsome or funny, complimenting them on something they are good at or something more specific to them can basically never go wrong.

  3. Any compliment will do. Men rarely, if at all, receive compliments. It’s the sad truth.

  4. Ask them what’s their favorite video game. Then say “Wow your MMR is probably so high”. Trust me bro.

  5. My crush told me I’m cute about a month ago and I haven’t stopped thinking about it lol

  6. I would just like A complement.

    Handsome, funny, cute, moderately ok, not completely terrible.

    Anything would make my year.

  7. Something on what they’re proud of. Anything typically masculine works for most guys. Make him feel like a MAN

  8. I like being told I’m “cute and fun”.
    Though I wouldn’t say it unless we’ve been a little intimate.

    Otherwise, it comes off as pity rather than genuine.

    I don’t like it as a consolation prize when you say you don’t want a second date.

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