How much beef do you consume each day?

  1. For me I can inly really measure by month. I’d say around 2 lbs. per month.

    I mainly eat chicken for meat protein.

  2. Maybe a pound per week? Depends what my meal plans look like.

    I’m very big on eating meat, but it frequently rotates between beef and chicken, and often times salmon. If I eat beef 2-3 days in a row, it’ll be vastly different meals.

  3. Most *weeks* none at all, and I’d have to think a bit to remember the last *day* I had any. Probably sometime last month.

    Not for any particular reason, it just sort of turns out that way. I’ll tear into a good steak in a damn heartbeat, and on some days a fast food burger is exactly what I’m craving.

    But most of the time, beef simply doesn’t even cross my mind.

  4. I eat chicken more than anything else meats wise. Most weeks would be like a quarter or half a pound of beef at most if I have a burger or a steak

  5. None. No beef no pork. Still on the chicken and Turkey but would prefer to be full veg.

  6. most days? none.

    might order some burgers once in awhile. usually get a double or triple if i do that.

    only ever go out to eat once or twice a year but i go to a sushi place or steak house 100% of those times.

    can’t be more than 8-12 lbs a year. 12 might even cover me *and* the wife. kid’s vegetarian, doesn’t want to be involved in killing animals. 🤷‍♂️

  7. I don’t eat much beef really. I mostly eat elk and venison, things I’ve hunted myself.

  8. Not very much, I’m much more of a chicken and pork person. (Especially chicken, could eat it everyday) I used to love beef when I was a kid almost as much as those 2, (although chicken was always my favorite) but now I’ll only eat burgers from a select few restaurants and steak once in a while. I straight up don’t even like roasts very much these days, I have to specifically be hungry for beef. I just think pork and chicken have much better flavors/taste.

  9. We really don’t eat much beef – maybe once or twice a month only. Maybe a pound and a half total for 2 people in my household.

  10. Couple times a week. Just ate a sirloin, but that’s not very regular for me. At most once a month. Most beef I eat is probably ground beef in chili or burgers or whatever.

    My protein mostly comes from chicken and turkey and it isn’t even close. Lol

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