I (28F) have been single for roughly six years, the first four years were by choice. Then I finally had the courage to start trying to date again, well since we’re here it’s safe to say I haven’t had the best of luck. I’m not sure if this is my karma for being a young dumb teen once breaking hearts left and right or cupid just hates me. I have tried all of the dating sites because I work too much to go out and have a social life now plus I am an introvert (that helps right). I see all of my friends around me getting married, having babies, traveling with their S/O, and don’t get me wrong I am very happy for each of them but I often find myself wondering when is it my turn?

I’m a decently attractive person with a pretty good personality but I always find myself being treated like an object. Dating these days aren’t what they use to be. Oh what I would give to have someone treat me like the queen I am.

  1. Just takes time and effort to find the right person, but it can definantly be a challenging process in today’s world. If you’d like to talk my dms are open. 30, male, us

  2. Time well only tell patience is the key word ya it may be annoying or even irritating hearing it but finding someone or them finding u or each other takes time also maybe u are picky with the guy u want or u have ur preference or didn’t give a guy a chance or ext but ur young enjoy yourself live ur life be free explore the world and experience things you never for too and who knows ur forever S/O will show up unexpectedly

  3. You’ll just know as a man when I want a women I can’t help but want to get to knowbher as a person but I can’t force that if it isn’t there naturally

  4. You’ll just know as a man when I want a women I can’t help but want to get to knowbher as a person but I can’t force that if it isn’t there naturally

  5. I treated my ex gf like a queen,

    Send flower to her place of work, we had a house together. Redid the whole house, bought her a gaming setup. random gifts and chocolate on her bad days.
    Send random love texts etc, took care of dates and fun trips. Cuddle on the couche watching movies and shows.

    Work in the garage together. Made her breakfast every weekend, always cooked dinner for her.

    Then she went out and cheated on me. I tried giving her a second chance, but it wasnt the same. Then she dumped me because she just wasnt feeling it anymore.

    So a lesson was learned here!

    I hope you find the right person for you!

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