Hey everyone,

I’m curious to know your thoughts on the issue of recognizing Palestine as a sovereign state. As you may know, Palestine is not recognized as a sovereign state by some countries, including the United States.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this issue. Do you recognize Palestine as a sovereign state, or do you believe that there are too many complexities to this issue to make a definitive statement? Let’s have a respectful and constructive discussion!

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  2. I recognize them as a nation without a home. I also haven’t studied their situation all that much. I’m no professor in geopolitics.

  3. The only legitimate states in the area of the former Mandate for Palestine are Israel and Jordan. Another Arab state in Palestine can’t be declared unilaterally (per the Oslo Accords), and Israel won’t consent until the people living there agree to recognize Israel and lay down their arms.

  4. Oh goodness no. It’s hardly a state at all, it’s effectively a refugee camp with a militia.

  5. It doesn’t really matter if we as individuals recognize Palestinian sovereignty lmao.

  6. I do recognize Palestine as it’s own country and I don’t really condone the conflict between Israel and Palestine as I have nothing against Palestine personally and if people want their own state and the majority citizens of the state have no objections then I’m all for it as who are we to say if a certain people can or cannot form their own sovereign state.

  7. They are recognized as a dejure sovereign state by the UN and the majority of countries recognize them.

    Most importantly the Vatican recognizes them.

  8. The west bank has potential to be recognized and from what I have heard have not terrible leadership. The Gaza strip is run by terrorists so not them.

  9. Well they’re definitely not sovereign by the definition of the word. They don’t hold final or supreme authority over their territory. Functionally they’re more of an unincorporated territory, as Israel pretty much exercises control over their territory whenever they wish to do so. Because of this, it would simply be incorrect to call them a sovereign territory.

    On a wider level, I don’t think a two state solution would ever work. Fundamentally many Palestinians and their leaders would not accept a Palestinian rump state as it currently exists, and a sizable portion wouldn’t accept anything other than total control over all of Israel and Palestine. Likewise, Israel is never going to accept a situation that puts their ability to defend themselves in jeopardy, and therefore would simply violate Palestinian sovereignty the moment they felt threatened no matter the deal that was made.

    The only desirable solution in my opinion (which shouldn’t be given much weight) would be a unified state where everyone is guaranteed free and fair political participation. That is entirely unrealistic, as whoever would be the minority population would never accept being ruled over by the other, even if it’s done democratically.

    That leaves the option of the West Bank becoming part of Jordan and the Gaza Strip becoming part of Egypt, a solution that pleases absolutely nobody and is therefore also unrealistic.

  10. I’ll take the downvotes.

    Yes, I recognize Palestine as a legitimate sovereign state and condemn the ongoing genocide of their people.

  11. I don’t know enough about it. If the Palestinian government wants to see itself as one then why not.

  12. No. It’s not my opinion. They’re an observer state at the UN. The US doesn’t recognize them.

  13. They are recognized as a dejure sovereign state by the UN and the majority of countries recognize them.

    Most importantly the Vatican recognizes them.

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