My GF received her doctorate in OT last May and shortly after that passed her licensing exam. She took a couple months after graduation for herself before getting into the workforce. She got her first job last August in a “private practice” which effectively turned into being a teachers aid at weird nature school for kids with learning disabilities. Her boss asked her to do things outside of OT (teachers aid stuff) and my GF grew concerned that this job may not count towards credits in maintaining her license. Alright, cool let’s start looking for a new job.

She lands a new job, with higher pay and better benefits at an assisted living facility. Fantastic! After about 2 months I see her become very depressed. She’s driving all over town to different facilities, seeing people who don’t want her services but are required because of Medicaid. She feels hopeless and starts the job search again. We start looking for something in pediatrics, her dream. She finally receives an offer at a private practice pediatrics group. Less pay, less benefits, worse hours, but it’s with kids and she doesn’t have to drive all over town.

Today she is near the 4 months mark and this morning she informs me that she’s going to put in her 2 weeks notice on Friday. The depression has not gotten better. She claims she no longer wants to do OT. There is no job lined up, although I feel like her parents will support her.

I’m just getting concerned with how to support her both in general and emotionally. She does suffer from a mild form of bipolar disorder and I’m sure that is contributing. As a partner I just don’t know what to do. How long can she go without a job? Do I tell her to go back to school or get her real estate license?

I’m just at a loss but I want her to be mentally healthy again. Any ideas or support would be appreciated.

  1. Sounds like she wants to find the perfect fit rather than settling for a job and hating every second of it and all those seemed like reasonable reasons to leave. I’m biased though because I had a job in optometry that seemingly checked off a lot of boxes but I dreaded going to work. Finally left and in a good position after a year of searching. My bf (engineer) lost his job 5 months ago and I offered to help financially so he wouldn’t have to worry about that and just take his time to really find something worth waking up every day for. Good luck! It’s slim pickins out there. If your girl is being picky for the right reasons good on her! Otherwise, hope it works out 💪

  2. It sounds like she needs to address the depression first before getting into another role. Otherwise, she is just going to keep bouncing around jobs.

    The problem is, she has no job experience in her field. She needs to pay her dues, so to speak, and take positions that are not ideal. No, her mental health should not suffer, but she is not likely to land that well paying, 9-5 dream job fresh out of school. It sounds like she is quitting a little too easily. If OT is not for her, that’s fine, but it sounds like she isn’t willing to stick with anything.

  3. Sorry but I’d be putting a hold on the relationship, three different jobs in 8 months and she’s 27…. Not worth the stress

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