Partnered women of Reddit, what are some things in the relationship that weren’t possible to compromise/meet halfway on, for which you decided to just go with what your partner wanted?

  1. Where we live. They’re super close with their immediate family, and their dad isn’t in good health, so it is really important to them to be in the same city and get to see him as much as possible in the time they have left.

    I guess we kinda compromised in that one he passes well move to somewhere we both want to live.

  2. He wanted to get legally married. I didn’t want the government involved in our relationship. It was important to him, so I agreed.

  3. For me it was defining the relationship. I wanted to have the title of being gf/bf and he didn’t think titles mattered since he knew that he liked me. Eventually HE gave in and let me call him my bf and me his gf. (Everyone knows we were exclusive even when we weren’t with the title).

  4. Taking shower in the morning. My guy wakes up incredibly early, usually does a load of laundry for work clothes, and then uses all the hot water our tiny apartment heater can store for a bath. At first I had an issue with this, a couple unsatisfactory lukewarm showers later, but I’ve never been a morning person so it wasn’t like I had a strict routine I followed and he did, before I was even around. I started showering before bed instead and it works out better because I can spend time on the extra fun stuff (hair maintenance, face routines) and actually relax while I do.

  5. Not having a third child.
    I wanted one, he didn’t (at the time) and now it’s too late.

  6. Keeping our 2006 Prius 🤣 this thing is a total dump and I think we can finally afford a new (used) car. My husband wants to keep this thing until it totally breaks down (which it has….several times), he just keeps resurrecting it! Which I think is cheating but whatever 🙄(🥰). There’s no compromise and he’s very determined 🤷🏼‍♀️

  7. Where we bought, in a way. We couldn’t agree on what to compromise on if we lived closer to the city/work, so we ended up buying about 30 minutes in a suburb. We both like the house and its location, but I don’t like the commute. He mostly works remote; I go in a few days a week.

  8. The next car we get. I’m not very picky on make of car as long as it has the features I want- he is strictly a Toyota person and will not consider anything else.

  9. Sleeping schedules. I’m forever trying to wake up earlier so we can spend more time together (health issues), but we haven’t seen success yet this year.

    Vacations/day trips. He hates being around crowds and for some reason is frequently harassed in public (to a weird degree—if I go out alone, strangers come up to me to tell me that my grandma was their doctor and ask how she’s doing. If we go out together, the weirdest stuff will happen, like a blind man shouting at him for being racist), so we can’t go to my favorite cities together. I just go with my dad or my friends, but I wish he could have a good time there with me.

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