My boyfriend (23) and I (20), recently have been having problems in the bedroom. We have been together for 6 months (although we were hooking up before we started dating) and our sex life was intense. But recently, my boyfriend just kinda stops in the middle of sex. He simply just “isn’t into it” anymore, which usually leaves me annoyed and on the brink of orgasm. Either we’re messing around and he goes soft, sex is going great and then he just stops or i go down on him and I finish him off but he doesn’t finish me off. Honestly, i’m kind of going crazy here. I’m a small girl, very fit and in his words, “fuck like a pornstar”, so I don’t think it’s that he’s not sexually attracted to me. What do i do??

  1. “What do i do??”

    Short and most effective answer: Find a new partner.

    You are not the problem he is. You can’t make anyone do anything so if he’s not into compromise and negotiation it’s not going to work. That is the basis of any healthy relationship.

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