I’m at the stage of my life where I am likely to have sex for the first time and I’m just wondering what are the things I should take note of when doing the deed?

  1. Protection protection protection. Also, communication is sexy, so start getting comfortable with talking about sex, what you don’t like, what you’d like to try, etc

  2. 1) Make sure you are ready.

    2) If it’s important enough for you to post about it, you should probably find a partner you care about and will stick around after.

    3) Use some type of protection.

    4) Explore, take your time and have no expectations. Many people don’t get it perfect the first time.

  3. Condoms and an erect penis.

    My work is done now, go forth into the world with your newfound knowledge and spread the joy…

  4. I’m just here to read the replies because I don’t know how to prepare too tbh.

  5. Well. Be prepared to be the subject of an I once broke this person’s virginity stories…and find a way to seize a bit of comfort in the fact that all of that person’s friends will know they broke your virginity…

  6. take it easy

    have some protection

    prepare some lube

    It’s best to clean up your personal hygiene before having sex

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